April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

April is distracted driving awareness month. Here are some statistics about the critical issue of distracted driving and ways to cope with the distractions. Help spread the word: Just Drive. Driving Dangers Texting, emailing, accessing social media Watching videos or...
Chimney Safety Tips

Chimney Safety Tips

Leaning toward an old wood-burning fireplace to help cut your heating bill this winter? Before you spark a log you should know, fireplaces and chimneys are involved in 42% of all home-heating fires. So before you use your fireplace, ensure you know how to properly use...
Hurricane Storm Tips for Homeowners

Hurricane Storm Tips for Homeowners

Hurricane season may be inevitable, but disaster isn’t. The key, according to the American Red Cross and the National Weather Service, is to mitigate risks by taking precautions ahead of time. As hurricane season approaches, take the time to get ready. Follow these...